5 Voices™ Certification Login

Discover the 5 Voices™

A World-Class Personality, Communication, and Team Performance System
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STEP #1:

Take the 5 Voices Assessment

Join 87,000+ people and take the free 5 Voices assessment. This will introduce you to the 5 Voices and help you identify your foundational voice.

Take Free Assessment
STEP #2: 

Watch the 5 Voices Workshop

Take your knowledge of the 5 Voices to a deeper level and start learning how to leverage the 5 Voices inside your organization.

Watch Free Workshop
STEP #3:

Become a Certified 5 Voices Coach

Become a master of the 5 Voices and start using this system to transform your clients or teams. Deepen self-awareness, increase effective communication, and drive performance.

Certification Info

"The 5 Voices is the tool that enables us to better communicate with our teams. When we communicate better, we have more productive employees, which generally equates to improved profits. This is an essential tool to help move toward this goal."

Cindi Filer
HR, Delta Airlines

Praise for 5 Voices Certification

I love this company.

I love this product, and I love the team who delivers it. They are encouraging, empowering and have the highest integrity. They take into account what people bring to the table and help them accept their gifts and learn how to be aware of the things that can be challenges for them. The work to become certified is just as transformational as the work that is delivered is intended to be.

- Janice

Valuable Skills and a Revelatory Experience!

Becoming a 5 Voices Certified Coach has changed my perspective on the usefulness of personality assessments in improving team dynamics. I have always seen value there before, but the 5 Voices is the first approach that provides specific insight into how each of us fit into team dynamics overall, where we can be overlooked or overrun, and where we can cause benefit or harm. It is multidimensional in its analysis, interpretation, and application, providing specific tips for improving our understanding of ourselves and others, while still being fairly simple in its language and overall presentation. It easily provides value at initial exposure and continues to deepen that value at each further level of understanding. I learned more in the few months of this training about myself and how to be more cognizant in dealing with my own impact challenges than I have in working with MBTI and other assessments for years.

- Anne C

Thorough, Practical and Immediately Helpful


Otherwise, the best way I can describe the value is in the way it filled a hole for me in my consulting work. I am DiSC and Myers-Briggs certified as well, and when I have work with these tools in teams there have been great insights and applications...as long as I am around to help translate the tool. To me this is a seriously limiting factor to the really transformative value of either of those personality indicators. 5 Voices accomplishes the primary result the other two could not—a truly unifying common vernacular around leadership, navigating communication gaps, success, and how to help each other grow. I'd been on the lookout for a tool like this and they provided it. As so much better that it has the data of MBTI to back it up.

The other massive upside to working with GiANT is that they think of all angles to empower your and your client's success: from ongoing coaching during the training that is so valuable, to practical marketing tools so you don't have to start from scratch, to continuing resources so you can refresh and get better at using all the tools consistently, it is an investment that continues to add value the further you dive into it.

Very grateful for all the thought and the resource. I have grown personally and professionally over the two months of training. I serve my clients better because of my time in this course!

- Landon L

The most powerful, complete leadership and training program

I've tried other leadership training programs and assessments. As good as so many of them are, what they accomplish in part, 5 Voices achieves in whole. The depth and substantive richness of this program and GiANT are unlike anything I've experienced.

- Andrew R

Highest Quality Training & Development

I've been through many different trainings & certification programs. GiANT does this one right. Along with the material, you have ample face time with their staff to learn, ask questions and talk about your own journey. The material provided is comprehensive for what you'll need to present to others. Absolutely without hesitation, I recommend this company to anyone.

- Patrick C

5 Voices System is outstanding!

Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to have support from my supervisors and organizations to participate in multiple leadership development and growth initiatives. While they were all very good and helped me in discovering various strengths, weaknesses, patterns of behavior, etc. - quite frankly, there were all quite 'forgettable'. Meaning that after the initial energy and excitement to learn something new about me and how I tick, unfortunately it did not translate into a sustainable, broad reaching initiative outside my own personal development. 5Voices is different - it brings a simple, sustainable, and broad reaching approach. The impact will be immediate, long lasting and personal to the people, teams, and culture of the organization.

- Jeffrey


I strongly recommend the 5 Voices System (5VS) for any individual, group, team or organization interested in improving their performance and productivity. The simple concept of “Know Yourself to Lead Yourself” has positively impacted my family and external relationships. Anyone who truly values being a leader, wants to be a leader “worth following” which requires a great deal of intentionality. This system teaches you how to do that. The simplicity of the tools and the neutrality of the common language keeps everyone on the same page with a subtle reminder that each person is “for each other” and seeking the best outcome. In today’s digital communication environment, interpersonal skills have diminished greatly and resulted in more friction and impediments to effectively and efficiently attaining goals and objectives. The 5VS is a great tool to help overcome those challenges. I’m a BIG FAN!

- Dawn

Amazing experience!

This certification process has been transformational, and this content has drastically altered how I lead and relate to others, especially in a work or results-based environment. I literally cannot wait to be able to share this material with others! Justin Westbrooks and Hunter Hodge have done an amazing job with this program. It is well worth the price and I know it will be beneficial for you, your closes relationships, and your team!

- Paul

5 Voices Certification Program

The 5 Voices has impacted me on multiple levels. The whole process has been and will continue to be a framework of continued exploration and growth both personally and professionally. The content has such down-to-earth language that can be used across the board which makes it easily transferable. The insights that individuals, team members, and leaders obtain can provide an immediate take away which starts you on your own journey. I am very grateful for and impressed with not only the overall program but the incredible trainers from start to finish.

- Myra

Invaluable resource for true leadership

The 5 Voices Certification has given me invaluable tools for myself, family, life, coaching and leadership. If you want to be an exceptional leader in the new world - these are the tools. GiANT's leadership philosophy resonates with me in total clarity. To be an honorable, positive and effective leader you must know yourself, and realize the precious resource influence is and how to build, share and empower it. Thank you!

- Kelly

5 Voices is a Game Changer

Great content and presentation of material. Clear format and ease of use with the technology was wonderful. The ability to review material was important. The coaching video's allowed a more practical application from a presenters side. Jeremy's "Mindset" video's helped keep the values of supporting others front and center. I am excited to continue to share what I have learned with others.

- Jill

If this programme was a car it would be a TESLA

The 5 Voices programme has easily been one of the most impactful professional development programmes I have undertaken in the last 10 years. The content skilfully fuses applied emotional intelligence, leadership development and team communication in such an accessible and applicable way. after being certified I know that my skill set and mindset as a leader has been challenged and improved. I genuinely give this programme my highest recommendation.

- James A

I know the 5 voices tools and the…

I know the 5 voices tools and the practice of learning and using it through the certification program will impact our team by giving us a common language for communicating and a new way of honoring one another. Even with so many other tools in the marketplace to better understand ourselves, we have struggled as a team to use the information in a way that is more than just a fancy label with information that fades away quickly. The 5 Voices has allowed our team to bring and celebrate each other's unique gifts around the table rather than just tolerate our differences.

- John M

5 Voices is a best in class leadership…

5 Voices is a best in class leadership tool, and the certification process is world class. Thorough teaching, terrific content, and access to the creators and their team throughout the process. Highly recommend this tool and certification process.

- Aaron L

GiANT 5 Voices Certification

The GiANT 5 Voices Certification process helped me to zero in on better understanding how I communicate and how others hear me. Another great part of this training is the way the process makes team collaboration practical and understandable for all team members. I'm thankful I've had a chance to become certified to train others on this outstanding process - and look forward to seeing teams improve their productivity, effectiveness, and enjoyment in working together!

- Jim

5 Voices is a GAMECHANGER

When I first encountered GiANT and the 5 Voices system, I was truly blown away. Being a part of a staff team of about 15 very different people, from very different backgrounds meant that I was unsure as to whether this system would be ‘one size fits all’ and not suitable for us. I was SO wrong! Not only was going through this work transformational for our team, giving us shared language and understanding, but also - it had huge impact on me personally. So much so, that when the opportunity arose to train as as a certified 5 Voices Practitioner, I jumped right in. Going through this process again as a practitioner and thinking about how these strategies will positively impact my clients and program members has once again had huge benefits. Being a Business Coach, I’m so excited to begin teaching people these methods and principles which will help my clients and students know themselves and their teams better and will, in turn, cause them to lead themselves and their teams better. I would highly recommend this program for anyone wanting to lead themselves and their teams to their fullest potential. Understand what drives you and what causes you to underperform. Understand the same things for those who work closest to you. The result? Increased, positive communication, confidence and renewed commitment to your vision. And that’s just scratching the surface!

- Naomi A


50% Complete

Two Step

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