Discover the Power of the 5 Voices

Click below to register and get instant access to this workshop.


In this free workshop, Steve Cockram, the creator of the 5 Voices, will help you:

  • Master the 5 Voices (and how to leverage it as a leader)
  • Discover your REAL voice order (which may be different than how you tested)
  • Understand why most teams perform at less than 60% of their true potential
  • Deepen your self-awareness (and learn what other people experience being around you)
  • Communicate more effectively (even with people you find difficult)
  • Much, much more...
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Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. For now, we're making this workshop available for free to help people like you learn more about your leadership voice and how to start leveraging in your world.

When you register, you'll gain instant access to the workshop series. Keep an eye out for an email from us letting you know that:

  1. Your account has been setup inside the GiANT University Portal (the place that the workshop videos live)
  2. That you've been granted free access to the workshop series.

You'll be able to log back into your GiANT University account to review the workshop.

The workshop series is 45 minutes and is broken down into 3 parts. You'll be able to pause and take notes, as well as re-watch the workshop (which we highly recommend).

In this workshop series, we don't cover the certification process. However, you'll see a link inside the student portal where you can learn more.


50% Complete

Two Step

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